Product Details
Code Generator Coated 10"

Code Generator Coated 10"

Product Code: GENCT10
Brand: Code
Product Condition: New
Units in Stock: 3
weight: 2000.0g
£17.99 inc. tax

£14.99 ex. tax
? Tax based on United Kingdom.
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The Code Generator Coated range of heads has a bonded outer ring for a more controlled sound. They have a fast attack and decay with a minimal sustain making them the ideal choice for rock drummers and heavy hitters. Great on the batter or reso (bottom) side of the drum, these heads feature 2 7.5mil plies with an aluminium rim with a steel core. 
  • Medium to heavy use
  • Fast attack and decay, minimal sustain
  • Quality Aluminium Rim with Steel Core
  • 2 plies of 7.5mils PET
  • Bonded outer ring for more controlled sound
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