Gregg Bissonette Musical Drumming In Different Styles

Gregg Bissonette has carved an impressive niche as an outstanding all-round drummer equally at home with David Lee Roth and Joe Satriani as with Frank Gambale, Toto and Don Henley. In this unique 2-disc set Bissonette delves into his years of experience to show you how to be a more musical and versatile drummer.
Ten stylistically diverse original songs that feature some of the world's finest musicians are performed and discussed in detail. Gregg uses these as examples to cover issues as diverse as:
R'n'B Funk, Heavy Rock, Pop Rock and Afro-Cuban styles
Elvin Jones-type Small Swing
Beat Displacement
Using rudiments
Keeping a positive attitude
Cool fill ideas
Fitting the right parts to songs
Big Band drumming and articulation
Warming up and cooling down
The special Camera Option allows you to control the camera that moves above the drums at any point during the performance. Three band tunes are offered with a double-inset edit that allows you to watch Gregg's bass drum part throughout. Full notation for all musical examples are included as PDF files, along with a bonus photo gallery.